Office: 215.962.3744
Office: 215.962.3744
Neshaminy Creek Advisors > Our Services > Financial Advisory Service Offerings

Financial Advisory Service Offerings


Monthly Podcast (2nd Monday of Month) Y Y Y
Monthly Office Hours Calls (3rd Thursday of Month) Y Y Y
Personal Planning Website with Tasks Y Y Y
Online Document Vault Y Y Y
One Page Post Meeting Plan X Y Y
Annual Goals Assessment Y Y Y
Annual Risk Tolerance Assessment Y Y Y
Vendor List Y Y Y
Quarterly Newsletter Y Y Y
24-Hour Response on Inbound Communication* Y Y Y
Priority Response on Inbound Communication X X Y
Discretionary Investment Management** at 1%/Annualized at 1%/Annualized at 1%/Annualized
Private In-Person Meetings/Year*** 1 2 4
Private Formal Calls or Streaming Videos/Year 2 4 6
Invitations to Client Events/Year 1 2**** 4****
401K/403B/Deferred Compensation Review Semi-Annual Semi-Annual Quarterly
Annual Client Retreat X X Y
Cost $49/Month $99/Month $299/Month
Ask about our Blue Ocean Program ($1,000,000 Minimum in Investments with Neshaminy Creek Advisors).
* Inbound Communication includes voice mail, text, or email and must include a specific question to answer. 
** 1% Annualized on 1st $1,000,000. 0.75% Annualized for assets above $1,000,000.
*** Distance permitting.  Long distance clients (more than 3 hours away by car) will get more private calls or streaming videos.
**** One event that is exclusive to your membership level.